Sunday, March 23, 2008

Belated birthday

March 19 was Ed Parker's birthday. He would have been 77 year old this month. Some of us were discussing, with some disbelief, that it's been close to 20 years since he passed.
He and I shared the same astrological sign, Pisces. Descriptions of Piscean characteristics often include being a dreamer. One thing I can say is that he wasn't a dreamer in the sense that he'd just think about things and never take action - he made things happen. And with all he accomplished you'd think he was a big, brash guy. Not so, being on the quiet side was a characteristic we shared, too. Mrs. Parker told me he didn't talk much. But, like the old E.F. Hutton commercials used to say, when he talked, people listened.
I seem to remember the date of his passing better than his birthday and I missed the date again this year. Better to remember late than not at all.

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