Monday, December 15, 2008

How I spent (part of) the weekend

No, they didn't all get out of that airplane. These are the instructors and participants for a Civil Air Patrol Squadron Leadership School held at the Sarasota airport this weekend. I was asked to teach a section there on Professional Development. I had also been asked to do a presentation on overwater safety at an open house on the St. Petersburg/Whitted airport that same day, representing the Federal Aviation Administration (I'm a volunteer safety team member for them). It was a busy day, flying around Florida. The weather was great and I met some interesting people.

One participant at the school asked me what martial art I did because I had mentioned that I teach and that perspective is so important. We tend to look at things one way from the teacher's point of view and another totally different way is from that of the student, and teachers tend to forget that, which was my point. He guessed that I was a grappling guy. No, I told him. Shotokan? No again. He was at a loss so I told him Kenpo and he responded that he was a Tae Kwon Do person. I did not get to ask him why he guessed those other arts because we were interrupted. I'm curious as to his reasoning. Was it my body type or demeanor? Interesting.

The other interesting thing was the Whitted airport itself. It's a historic place because that's the first scheduled airline service was started almost 100 years ago. Cool stuff, this aviation thing.

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