Friday, April 23, 2010

My e-learning site

It's going to be available for preview in the next few days if all goes according to plan. We are going into beta-test with a few people across the globe to see how they like the navigation. As of last night I have uploaded 500 videos.
Kenpo 101 has 42 self-defense techniques, most of the original yellow/orange basics, short and long 1 instruction, and clips on principles.
Kenpo 201 has 32 self-defense techniques (all the original purple), principles, and basics. The original 32 blue is coming, as are the forms.
Kenpo 301 has 10 two man techniques right now, with the rest of the original green to come.
Kenpo 401 has about 20 extension techniques.
Drills, freestyle and sets includes the star block, two man set, spear set, freestyle techniques and drills.
Instructing for instructors includes principles of instruction, learning theory, and other subjects of value to instructors.
Each self-defense technique has three associated clips; one of the solo technique, the second is instructional and the third has additional related information.
If you are interested in being a charter user send me an e-mail at

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