Monday, June 13, 2011

Mont Vernon seminar June 11

6th degree Bill Gaudette of Massachusetts kicked off the 20th anniversary seminars at Jim Peacock's Mont Vernon Karate in New Hampshire Saturday. He did a nice presentation on limb destruction. He was followed by our host, Mr. Peacock.
  I've known Jim since he was a blue or green belt and it's nice to see how he's progressed over the years. His session was on how to blend techniques from Long Three as a situation changes. Very nice.
  Mr. Steve White, instructor to both Peacock and Gaudette followed the lunch break with a seminar he calls "Fun with Five Swords".
   In the picture below you'll see all the instructors along with one of my long-time guys, Robert Wallace out of Spartanburg, South Carolina.
  I wrapped up the day with a session on expanding your knowledge with an application of one of Mr. Parker's sayings, that being; "For every move, concept, principle and definition, there is an opposite and a reverse." I've been doing this seminar recently and it's been well-received.

The crowd of close to 40 on a cool, rainy day in New England enjoyed all the classes and some anniversary cake, too.

 Our congratulations to Mont Vernon Karate on their 20 years!

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