Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Article at leewedlake.com

I've posted the October article for subscribers on my site at www.leewedlake.com. It's in the "kenpo chop". Here's an excerpt.

Mr. Parker likened weapons to sharps and flats in music. He described a sharp as a half-step up in a note and a flat as a half-step down. He went on to say that sharp weapons, like a chop, raise the damage and flat weapons, like a slap, lower damage. He liked to raise damage whenever possible and here we see the kenpo chop.

What even people from other systems call the kenpo chop is a handsword with the index and middle fingers extended as the remaining fingers curl in. The standard chop uses all the fingers extended.

To subscribe go to the site and find Join LWKS. It's $29/year and I just hit 150 items in the library for you.

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