Monday, September 1, 2008

Sifu Glenn Wilson

I recently reconnected with an old friend, Sifu Glenn Wilson. We met way back in the early 80's through Al Villacampa, one of his black sash level students from Miami who was living in Chicago. I saw Glenn and his students compete when I was down in Florida for tournaments and they were strong. Over the years I'd see his name from time to time. As it turns out, he's still in Florida and is now the head of his system. If you'd like to check it out, see the website below. Al had told me there was some Kenpo influence in there and that Glenn had studied it. I know that Master Daniel Pai was an acquaintance of Ed Parker's and that the system, Pai Lum, bears his name.
Good to make the contact, and I plan to get with Sifu Wilson soon on a trip to Orlando.

Glenn C. Wilson
Grandmaster – Pai Lum Tao
Chairman – White Dragon Warrior Society
President – Glenn Wilson’s Martial Arts Academies International
955 West Lancaster Rd. #5
Orlando, Fl. 32809

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