Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Member Section article

I had uploaded my latest article to the Member Section of my website at http://www.leewedlake.com/ entitled Implicit or Explicit. It's about memory. Here's an excerpt.

Brain researchers say that unconscious thought is what accounts for making decisions in micro-seconds. Quarterbacks must develop the ability to recognize patterns and apply them to a set of options, then select the option that will be successful. Sound familiar? You see the punch coming, determine if it’s right or left, straight, round, overhead or uppercut and whether you have room to step forward, back or to the side. You somehow decide if you should block or parry. Should it be inside, outside, over or under? Front hand, rear hand or both? Which foot forward? How much force to be applied? You do all this in the space of time it takes for the opponent to cover roughly the distance of a step-through or closer. And you make it work! How did you do that?

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