I'd recently posted a poll here that was not well-voted on, something I thought was interesting. Polls here are usually better used. Anyway, the subject was how many tenth degree black belts do we have in the system. Only three people voted. One said we have less than 20 and the other two indicated 20-30 was the answer.
I have done some research on the subject and have found over 30 people claiming 10th. Now this is a bit sticky since those I found are kenpo people but are of several branches. All have some base in Parker kenpo. A few have a rank but don't claim the Parker system but wear the same rank markings and some version of his crest. Therefore, I'd say they infer a Parker system rank. Like I said, it's sticky.
I read some of their websites and they state a date they were promoted by Ed Parker and then go on to say they earned the subsequent ranks but don't say from what group or person. Others simply took promotions from their people, by association. I'm not saying that's good or bad, it just is. Others have rank from groups outside our system and seem to have transferred it.
We are not the only system to have this situation. It appears the rank system is a bit "off the chain".
The purpose of my research was to get a better idea of where we are as a system and maybe where we're going.
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