Monday, April 9, 2007

Hmmm, Marc again.

A few weeks ago I wrote about one of my students, Dr. Rowe. He has a very inquisitive mind and has been collecting medical data from articles on the effects of tai chi and meditation, as quantified by Western scientists. The following article raises his question as to whether tai chi would be better than the meditation method mentioned in this article.

Researchers at Penn's School of Medicine are examining the effectiveness of meditation on early cognitive impairment. Once this new study is completed, the results could help answer lingering questions over whether or not stress-reducing techniques and mind exercises can lessen or even prevent cognitive decline. This is the first study at Penn's new "Center for Spirituality and the Mind," which evolved from work initiated in Penn's Department of Radiology, to embrace and encourage researchers from the fields of medicine, pastoral care, religious studies, social work, nursing, and bioethics to expand knowledge of how spirituality may affect the human brain. "We'll be looking at patients with mild cognitive impairment or symptoms of early Alzheimer's disease," explains Dr. Andrew Newberg, associate professor of radiology, psychiatry, and religious studies, who also directs the Center's investigations and is principal investigator of this pilot study. "We'll combine their meditation with brain imaging over a period of time to see if meditation improves cognitive function and is associated with actual change in the brain's activity levels. Specifically, we'll be looking for decreased activity in specific areas of the brain."The dementia process causes a decreased function of neurons in the brain and can result in problems with memory, visual-spatial tasks, and handling emotional issues. As it worsens in a patient, it can also eventually lead to the need for round-the-clock care.
In this study, investigators want to look at the early symptoms of dementia. Study participants will learn a particular kind of meditation, called Kirtan Kriya, identified as one of the most fundamental types of meditation practice. It is a repeated chanting of sounds and finger movements designed to help the mind focus and become sharper. Study participants will perform this meditation program every day for eight weeks to see if this relaxation technique can change the brain's response to different tasks. "This is a form of exercise for the brain which enables the brain to strengthen itself and battle the unknown processes working to weaken it. We want to keep the mind sharp and work that muscle," Dr. Newberg adds. "We might see improvements in baseline activity levels in the brain and these patients might be able to activate their brain in a more robust way in particular. So if this kind of meditation is successful in helping patients with neurological problems, it could then someday become a low-cost additional treatment to current therapy."

Years ago, Herbert Benson wrote a book called The Relaxation Response and he, at the time, was laughed at. 25 years later people are on his bandwagon. One of the points he made is that relaxation can positively affect the health of a person by reducing stress, which directly affects the immune system. This article shows that meditation may have even more far-reaching effect. Now the question is: How much of this effect can be achieved by using other art forms such as kenpo?

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