Friday, November 2, 2007

Form Four

The Form Four video is finished and I'll be sending it to the duplicator soon. People have been asking for this and I finally got to it.
What I did in this video is run the form four different ways. None are "fast" since I found that most people commented they can't follow form videos when they're done like that. I shot them from the four angles like I did in the previous form video so you can see it from the front, sides, and back views.
I show the variations and changes in the execution. I put the competition timing changes in one version, show two ways to do Thundering Hammer, and the cheater versions for people with bad knees and older students.
My last form video has gotten good reviews and it's not as costly as many. These are not instruction in that I don't teach you the form, that's for your instructor to do. But it will help you through as you're learning. Watch for it around Thanksgiving on my website at

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