Friday, January 22, 2010

Train like a warrior

This was in the Special Forces Gear newsletter for January. You can subscribe for free at

How to Train Like a Warrior See his 3-18-08 post.

The way of the warrior is a path of extremes. Extreme training of the mind, the body and will. Then ultimately, in battle, they sojourn at the edge between living or dying. For that is the nature of a warrior--dedicating oneself to a purpose with such certitude that one is willing to lay down their life for it. One of the precepts is "Better to live one day and die gloriously in battle with courage and greatness than to live a hundred years in mediocrity and fear." To most this sounds like a mindset reserved for superheroes in a comic book. In fact, this may very well be the case. But, what if you could channel and apply a small amount of that mentality? What if you could find the warrior that lives in each and every one of us?
What I mean by finding the warrior within has nothing to do with war, or violence or death--but of living instead. It is about staring adversity in the face, fighting your way through and conquering it. It is about setting your sights on a task in a determined, unyielding, unrelenting fashion with a singular and focused purpose.

What if there is a way to bring that kind of character, presence and power into your everyday existence? Well, if you so choose, there is. One of the first areas in your life you can begin is in your approach to exercise.
Here are some steps that might get you on your path to training like a warrior
Things You'll Need:

Determination-Indomitable spirit-Courage-Focus

Step 1: Strategy (Mind of the Warrior)
Pick a goal before you start your workout and be specific about what you wish to achieve. If you normally lift weights and bench pressl 135 lbs. for 12 reps, say to yourself, "Today I will not settle for less than 15 reps."
If you normally run 4 miles a day in 40 minutes, say to yourself, "Today, no matter what, I will run these 4 miles in 39 minutes or even 38 minutes."
Try and be reasonable with your demands on yourself--even warriors had to take baby steps.

Step 2: Execution (Body of the Warrior)
Once you know what you are there to do, "Go For It In an All Out Assault!" Leave nothing left, do whatever it takes to reach your goal.

Step 3:Victory or Defeat (Spirit of the Warrior)
Here I list both possible outcomes of your strategy and execution. They will both serve you well if you have proper perspective.
If you are successful, you will feel elevated and learn that you are capable of more than you thought.
If you are unsuccessful, rather than feel bad you can feel elevated that you did your best.

Step 4: Reflection (Wisdom of the Warrior)
Did you reach your goal? If so, you now know you can go further. What other areas in your life can you use these principles for success?
Did you fall a bit short of your goal?
What insight have you gained that will either improve your strategy or your execution so that the next time you will be victorious?

Remember, a warrior never gives up!

Tips & Warnings
Have fun challenging yourself; even if you never get a sense of warriorship, you'll at the very least get better workouts.
Be realistic when setting goals, should any part of your body feels like it's about to get injured, ease off.
If you are consistently successful, this new self-confidence and sense of achievement may spill into other areas of your life.
Remember: Focus-Intensity and Motivation are the keys to all concentration.

Good Luck and Hoo-ah !

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