Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May article posting

My May article is on the Three Faults. Premium subscribers at www/wedlakekenpotv.com/leewedlake can read the article. Subscriptions are available at $29/yr. Here's an excerpt.

Professor Cheng referred to Greediness as a fault. He quotes Lao Tzu and says “Have little and receive much; have much and be confused.” He also refers to a Chinese saying of “If one is greedy nothing can be thoroughly chewed.” Both Cheng and Mr. Parker were saying that if you want to get it all as fast as you can you’ll likely end up with little or nothing. Cheng specified that if you want to know everything you’ll come away frustrated. He says you should learn something, and then practice to polish and memorize. Funny, Mr. Parker used to use the term “polish” frequently. He’d refer to “spit-shining” us. Both agree that is takes time.

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