Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Frank Frazetta

The name Frank Frazetta is recognized by many to be the father of fantasy art. He was one of my favorites and he passed away Monday, May 10. Coincidentally, he was in  a Ft. Myers hospital suffering from complications of a stroke, when he died. I was teaching a tai chi class at one of their hospitals that same day.
The piece at left is titled The Death Dealer. It's one of his best known and I have one of the few sculptures he made of it. I bought it from his wife, Ellie, years ago when they had his artwork in a private museum at Boca Grande, near here.
He will be missed.


Lenny said...

He was a great artist and inspired quite a few other artists (Boris Vallejo and Jeff Jones come to mind).

But more importantly his illustrations are on some of my favorite books (John Carter of Mars, Conan, Tarzan) - his cover art fueled my imagination and deepened my interest in fantasy and pulp novels.

So, even if I didn't know him, it stings knowing that he isn't there anymore.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Marc said...

Yes Mr. Wedlake this guy was a great artist, I believe this piece is from the Molly Hatchet album title "Molly Hatchet"

Lee Wedlake said...

Yes, it was on that album cover as well as Conan the Barbarian books.