Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I just finished a course to renew my flight instructor certificate. It has to be done every two years. The bulk of it is on aerodynamics, airspace, regulations and the like but there are two units on teaching and professionalism. I don't teach flying actively anymore but I found those two units to be particularly useful.
     It's always good to go back and look at things with beginner's eyes. Reading these two sections did what it was supposed to, it refreshed my knowledge. I was reminded of the two main teaching methods recommneded by the FAA, those being the telling/doing and demonstration/performance methods. When we teach martial arts we do the same thing they do in flight instruction. We have to impart knowledge and physical and mental skill. It's not just book work. Judgment has to be taught, too.
   When we do these things we have to be aware of how we are perceived by a student. That's addressed in in the professionalism section. I have written about this many times in the past. It's important to present ourselves as pros, both in dress and demeanor. Obviously in our command of the subject, too.
   I have taped some segments for my coming online learning site for instructors on these subjects. I recap the characteristics of learning and address subjects such as false praise. I really want to bring the standard of instruction up for us all. It's usually pretty good now but we can always be better. 

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