Kenpo Karate 401 is in production. I have not gotten any "we need to fix" messages from the printer. This is a Very Good Thing. I expect a blueline, a pre-publication copy, very soon. Several people have pre-ordered the book, and so should have it in their hands much sooner than when we did 301, which had lots of production problems.
My next one, on Form Five, is already written. Actually, Six is pretty much done too, but Five is all but done except for some minor editing. We're shooting pictures for Five in the next two weeks.
I have been told that there are a few people out there working on Kenpo books. There is supposed to be a European version of The Journey in the works. I haven't heard from anyone about that since I was told about it almost two years ago. Does anyone know how it's going?
New Hampshire's Don Mackay is working on something, and there's a young guy in Pennsylvania named Mike Miller whose got some ideas as well. Is there anything else out there?
I keep hearing the phrase "I'm (we are) going to write a book." What I think happens is that people find it's an awful lot of work and don't follow through.
I had a friend who had written and published two books. When I told her I was going to do it she actually huffed and said "Sure. Everyone is going to write a book." When I showed her the letter I had from Unique Publications that they were going to publish my book she started to believe me. In fact, she took my manuscript, formatted it, and generally did most of the layout work. If it hadn't been for April, I might still be telling people "I'm gonna write a book". More likely "Me write book", with a finger in my nose. Hey wait, I do that anyway.
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