Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New nunchaku program

Jim Peacock of New Hampshire has produced a booklet and DVD of a nunchaku course based on Short Form One. He covers the grips, carries, swings and they are indexed in the form. Mr. Peacock likes the term "nunchuck" as it's the colloquial American term for the Okinawan weapon.

The Kenpo Nunchuck dvd:

Time : 8:03
Content: The dvd contains a demonstration of the form from 3 different angles, and provides a glimpse of the supplemental 5 week curriculum that goes with it ( the text is done, I need to shoot some more video for it ) .

The Kenpo Nunchuck Booklet:
81/2 x 11, bound, 7 pages
The booklet contains explanations and pictures describing the terminology used for teaching this form, as well as a written description of how to do the form.

The set is $25 until Christmas. You can get them direct from him. They will soon be available thru my online store as well. http://www.kenponunchuck.com/

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