Sunday, September 12, 2010

An interesting teaching technique

Dr. Marc Rowe and I were talking about his days as a pediatric surgeon-in-training and he related an interesting story about how his mentor taught using an interesting technique. His boss asked him "how are babies different from adults?" He followed that by telling him that since was the boss he'd go first (good leadership example. Or a way to bag your student). "Babies are smaller than adults", he said. Marc countered with something like "Babies can't talk". The distinctions got more and more fine as they progressed. This technique requires one to think hard and intelligently about similarities and differences. We could use it in discussing kenpo techniques.
   Kenpo people love to talk about relationships of techniques, opposites and reverses and the like. So much that sometimes we get wrapped up in that and not doing the physical end. We point that out by saying "Less yak and more smack". But having what Doc calls a "fertile, prepared mind" and a discussion of this type can certainly be illuminating.
   Thanks to Doc Rowe for the story.

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