Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have a poll posted here regarding video evaluation. Over the year I have been asked if I would look at a DVD of a person's performance  and comment. I do that from time to time and the comments have been that it's very helpful. Other people do this and set a limit of 5-7 minutes for the video. At first I thought it was too short. Through filming my own stuff for the upcoming online learning site I found that you can pack a lot of infomation in a short time if you do it right. The aforementioned time limit now makes sense.
   The consequent report to the student takes much longer to compose than watching the video. I recently did one for a 3rd degree black belt and he was very much on track with his forms, so commentary was somewhat limited. But it still took a bit of time to write up what I saw so that he had a written record to refer to while practicing and "sharpening his sword".
  Back in the 80's I had a black and white video camera that I used to tape my forms and techniques. I was always surprised to see mistakes I made that I missed in the mirror or by feel. My recent tapings have also shown me I still need some fine-tuning. This is especially useful if you don't have an instructor or he/she lives some distance away.
  Newer technology such as Skype will also allow for more personal instruction. I plan to institute use of these tools and would like to further my "school without walls" concept. Please participate in the polls so I can structure a suitable program. Thanks.

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