Saturday, February 7, 2009

More memories

This is from one of the "old-timers" who knew Mr. Parker.

Hey Lee,
Just finished your new book. and as usual and like all your work it was fantastic. It brought back many fond memories of my training with SGM Parker. So I know all that was written to be true and valid as usual. I was also surprised to read a story of one of my Linguica "incidents". I would like to share with you another true incident that happened in the mid 1980's at a Revere, MA tournament held by the Cogliandros. I and Lance Soares attended this one also and as usual we had to bring Master Parker his staple of Portuguese Sausage (About 10 lbs. of it). Well, the tournament was held in the Revere High School gym and he was located at the end of the area conducting a ring where forms where being judged. After the trophies where given out I presented him with his prize. His eyes lit up (like they usually did) and he said, "Come with me". He then proceeded to walk through four rings that where in the process of students performing their Kata. Ya, I was right in back of him and tried to stop him from disrupting the contestants, but he was hell-bent in getting to the front of the gym where the concession stands were so that he could put his package on ice so it would not go bad (Linguica is a Pork product). Well needless to say, I was called many a name from the judges and had more dirty looks thrown my way than I care to remember. Ya, I put my face to the ground and, not looking up, followed. When we did get to the concession stand he went in back where they where selling soda/drinks and proceeded to pull out different beverages so that he could put his package on ice, I looked at the lady proprietor and said "It's OK, he's Ed Parker". He then gave me the Kenpo Hug, and went back to judging. I stayed behind for Lord knows how long waiting for people to forget who I was. Hope you enjoy this story, and you are welcome to share it with others. Leo Lacerte

Mr. Lacerte teaches in New Bedford, MA.

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